About Solomon’s Knot

Permaculture Ouroboros

Gini Lester is certified both in Permaculture Design, and as a Permaculture teacher.

As a Nurse Gini has been first person witness to changes in the overall health of human bodies over time. Because of this perspective she recognized that it was time to begin treatment in the community. “Eating healthy food is the foundation of a healthy body. Growing your own food is a good source of healthy food.”

Stephanie Bergner joined Solomon’s Knot as its beekeeper. She is a Social Worker who began beekeeping as a hobby. She gained bee knowledge through professional courses, trainings, self-directed on-line education, and personal experience. She has enjoyed several years of successful beekeeping with healthy bees. She works hard to make sure they stay healthy.

If you are in the market for local (Will County, IL) honey, please call us or go by Mitchell’s Food Mart on Raynor in Joliet. If they don’t have it, we don’t have any honey left until next season. We always leave enough honey for the bees for winter, when the bees cluster together to keep each other warm.

The apiary is located in a metal scraper´s yard near Joliet. Having beehives in Joliet is against zoning code unless you know someone. The honey is still local honey because it´s the same bio-region.

We started with 3 hives and 1 nuc beginning of 2022 in the new location. The bees did well over that winter. The apiary grew a little so that by Nov 2023 there were 3 hives and 3 nucs. 2 were weak, and I suspected they wouldn’t make it over the winter. Unfortunately, none made it over the winter. We re-started April 2024 with 2 colonies installed in side by side nucs. 1 is named wax and 2 is named wane, because they were installed during the solar eclipse. July 2024 they were combined into one hive. #3 (Pinky) was an over-wintered Illinois nuc installed on April 24th. It did not do well and in July 2024 the colony left.  #4 (Rainy) an AFB vaccinated queen from Maryland joined the apiary also in April and #5 (Jim´s Swarm) was captured in May 2024. Both of those are doing well. 

3 beehives

3 beehives July 2024. R to L 4 Rainy, 5 Jim’s Swarm, & 6 Combined nucs